Friday, July 16, 2010

L'Isle Sur La Sourge

Imagine a town built in the 1200's! Really spectacular.

Despite several major plagues, religious wars and fights between Popes (which resulted in the city becoming fortfied for protection), this little village has managed to survive for centuries. We (Phil, me and our pal Chris Brewer) ate in a Chinese restaurant, which was pretty funny.

The elderly host really didn't speak French and the waiter spoke almost no English. So, we muddled through with my French on a menu of Chinese food (we really didn't learn Chinese food vocabulary in the nine years of French I took in middle school, high school and college). But, we ended up eating a really great meal.

All in all a spectacular day. And, from the homefront good news - my dear brother is home resting and even went to a movie last night with his wife. Wonderful news. Way to go Doug! And yes, cancer still really sucks.

1 comment:

  1. Love it- Chinese in France :) I am so glad your brother is home and I loved the earlier post about the Pooh- like you said, a great reminder to just let things be sometimes!

    The town looks so beautiful....
